Dr. David Casanova
David Casanova Casas is presently Ikerbasque researcher at the University of the Basque Country and at the Donostia International Physics Center. Currently, his research interests mainly focus on the development and implementation of electronic structure methods for the study of molecular excited states, the computational study of organic cromophores to be employed as molecular sensitizers in Grätzel solar cells, as well as in the development and application of computational tools for the study of the symmetry properties of the molecular electronic structure.

Benjamin Peigné
I was born in 1982 in Chartres, France. I studied physics and chemistry at the university of Nantes in France and had a Master degree in molecular chemistry with theoretical chemistry as speciality at the university of Rennes, France. I joined the Electronic Structure Group in september 2006 in order to carry out my PhD thesis on the diatomic molecules complexation and activation by biomimetic systemes under the supervision of Dr. Gabriel AULLÓN.
In addition to my interest in computational chemistry, I love cooking and rollerskating.

Eduard Cremades
I am about to finish my PhD thesis in the Electronic Structure Group with Prof. Eliseo Ruiz which I started on 2006. I am interested in single molecule magnets, from polynuclear 3d complexes to mononuclear 3d and lanthanide single ion magnets. Primilary, I work with SIESTA, GAUSSIAN and MOLCAS to compute the exchange coupling constants and anisotropy constants or g tensors. I have been working also with transport calculation through single molecules with SMEAGOL software.

Lindley Maxwell Villacorta
I was born in 1984 in Tocopilla Chile and graduated in Chemistry at the University Catholic of north. I’m a member of the Electronic Structure group since 2012. My working of PhD is the synthesis the mononuleares complexes of transition metals with very high magnetic anisotropy. Another line are solid heptazine complex as a ligand with transition metals, in this line ligands derived from the use heptazine to synthesize molecules and type systems MOF with solvothermal synthesis and microwave, under the supervision of Dr. Eliseo Ruiz. In my free time I practice mountaineer, bodyboard and runnig.

Andrés Falceto
I was born in 1989 in Barbastro, a small city in Aragón (Spain), and got my degree in Chemistry at the University of Barcelona. I became a member of the Electronic Structure group in 2011 where I will start my PhD studies.I have been working on symmetry content of the molecular orbitals for diferent inorganic complexes, under the supervision of Dr. David Casanova and Prof. Santiago Álvarez.
I love climbing, and I have traveled all over Catalunya and found lots of lovely places to practice my passion.

Dr. Jorge Echeverría
After getting my degree in chemistry from the University of Zaragoza I moved to the University of Barcelona, where I obtained my PhD in 2010 under the supervision of Prof. Santiago Alvarez and thanks to a FPU scholarship. Then, I spent four years as a postdoc in the CEMES-CNRS (Toulouse, France) working with Prof. Christian Joachim in the design and theoretical development of molecular machinery. During my stay in Toulouse I was awarded a Marie Curie fellowship under the Beatriu de Pinós program. In 2015 I moved to the Electronic Structure group of the University of Barcelona, where I am currently a Ramón y Cajal researcher. My research interests are twofold: the study of noncovalent interactions and their implications in materials and crystal design, and on the other hand, the design and conception of single-molecule devices such as switches and rotors with potential applications in nanotechnology.

Juan Diego Velasquez

Alejandro Martín Rodríguez

Martín Amoza